Name : Muhammad Hilwan Tanarubun

Ttl : Timika, 30 April 1998

Age : 18

Hobby : Playing Football

Job : Student In Muhammadiyah Of Muhammadiya Malang

Favorite Colour : White And Blue sky

Hello guys,,
i would you like to introduce myself to you. but,, before that.. i wanna say thank very much to god.
because of him i can do my duty from my teacher..
and before that, let's pray and thanks to allah SWT, who has be given to our healthy.
and we have to say thanks very much to our prophet Muhammad Saw. because who has guided us from the darkness to brightness, from stupidity to cleverness and from the jahiliyah era to islamiyah era namely islamic religion...

Oke,, i will introduce myself now.

My name is Muhammad Hilwan Tanarubun, and i from maluku, exactly inTual city.
i was born in Timika 30 April 1998
i have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. and Bayan Tananrubun is my father. and Anawia Rusbal is my mother.
my favorite colors are white and blue  light.
and my favorite food is nasgor (nasi goreng)
my hobbies are playing football and travelling
my last education is senior high school. but my graduate one year ago.

        I think enough from my profile. and thanks so much for all the readers my profile.
i'm so sorry if have mistake please i do apologize. see you next time.

1 komentar:

  1. god job brada, like you design web, oh yeah what is your major?
